Alai Rayyan had been poo-ing green for the past weeks and its worrying me. I was so afraid that he got 'senudung', i don't know what that is but Lyssa told me if baby got green poops, that's one of the sign he got 'senudung'. And from her explanation, it basically means that the baby got some stomach bug.
So, I did what I usually do - i turned to my online guru; the google! (My MIL pun tau dah nie, coz everytime my in-laws asked me something that I was unsure of, I would said 'entah ah, cuba goggle...' lol). Most of the webs that I've found said it's common for baby to have yellowish-greenish poops but if it goes on continuously, it's wise to consult a Dr. Oh God! I don't know any pediatric here, but then I remember Wid got friend whose a pediatric in Malaysia. So I asked her to get an online advise (through her Yahoo Messenger hehe). Dr Amir said its okay. as long as baby is not vomitting, the poo is not watery and no strains of blood found in his poo. I was relieved to hear that but then, its been weeks!
I tried to recall any changes in Alai Rayyan's diet or mine when I remembered, my supplements!? I started googling, 'Fenugreek side effects to baby', 'blessed thistle side effects to baby' as well as 'red raspberry side effect to baby' as I realised the green poops started almost the same time I took my supplements. And yeah, some webs did mentioned that Fenugreek could sometimes caused the baby to poop green. But then, I've been taking Fenugreek all this while, and it did'nt caused Alai Rayyan anything. Then I came across a web where it says oversupply could caused your baby to have green stools. I tried googling 'oversupply and green poops in baby' and surprise surprise here's my finding:-
When a mother has more milk that her baby can handle, the following behaviors may be common:
Baby cries a lot, and is often very irritable and/or restless - I guees Alai Rayyan was a bit restless lately but I thought that was because he was teething.
Baby may sometimes gulp, choke, sputter, or cough during feedings at breast. Baby may seem to bite or clamp down on the nipple while feeding - Yes, he had been gulping awfully loud everytime he feeds! and sometimes he would choked too!
Milk sprays when baby comes off, especially at the beginning of a feeding - It does happens occasionally.
Mother may have sore nipples - Yup, especially when my B felt full
- Baby may arch and hold himself very stiffly, sometimes screaming - Alai Rayyan did scream in the middle of his feeds a few times .
- Feedings often seem like battles, with baby nursing fitfully on and off - Yup, and God it is so annoying! I thought he was just playing around.
Feedings may be short, lasting only 5 or 10 minutes total - Yes, it was getting shorter in times
Baby may seem to have a "love-hate" relationship with the breast - Yup, see feedings with battle.
Baby may burp or pass gas frequently between feedings, tending to spit up a lot - Yup, there were a few times when Alai Rayyan would screamed in the middle of the night and couldnt stop crying, when i picked him up, he would let go a loud burp!
Baby may have green, watery or foamy, explosive stools - Definitely!
Mother's breasts feel very full most of the time - Yup, full and leaky!
Mother may have frequent plugged ducts, which can sometimes lead to mastitis (breast infection) - Yeah, I woken up with three lumps near my armpit the last few days! The lumps still there now but i guess its getting smaller now as I kept on massaging it and feeding Alai Rayyan on that side of my B.
(Taken from Le Leche League)
And it all started after I took those supplements! On the bright side, it means that the combination of Fenugreek, Blessed thistle and Raspberyy Leaf work wonders! But I still didnt managed to express much! So it all comes down to my breast pump!!! Maybe I have no issue with supply to begin with, its just my breastpump is not working properly and when i took those supplements, I started to face an oversupply issues! Matters made worst as my breastpump couldnt empty my B as well, so Alai Rayyan was left with a constantly full B that he couldn't poor lil baby. And all this while, I've been assuming that I had a low supply, sasak ku my breast pump!
As i was upset with the situation, I began to google for a double-electric pumps. And being an impulsive buyer I am, I purchased myself an Ameda - Purely yours double electric pump that cost my hubby US$260 plus shipping. Its cheaper then the PISA hence the reason I chose it and the reviews are not bad pun. But now I am a bit nervous about it as I've purchased it from some US website which I'm not even sure of. I kept on checking the status of my purchased and I even wrote email to them, lol. The status now says 'in process - shipping on Wednesday, which is tomorow...yeay!! But until the item arrives, wish me luck. Oh and thanks hubby for the pumps hehe...u've granted my wish :)
So I have stop all the supplements since 2 days ago to confirm my suspision and Alhamdulillah, Alai Rayyan has been pooing a nice, beautiful yellowish poops since yesterday hehe (I've become one of those poop-obsessed mommy!)