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Friday, May 16, 2008

The reunion; A peek on his little tooth

Alai Rayyan's little tooth decided to make an appearance while daddy was here :) At first, we didn't realise it...he kept on grinding his gums together and one day I just like "eh napa kan ia mcm orang gergitan ani, cuba liat gusinya atu!". To our surprise, there it was, the little white cap! I didn't expect it because I always have in mind that the teething will come with a fever, but Alhamdulillah, Alai Rayyan has not got any yet. Hopefully he won't get it at the later stage as well..ameeeennn...

But he is getting fussier though and its harder for him to sleep soundly during night time. Oh and he poo-ed a lot too. I couldn't wait for his little tooth to make a full appearance :)

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