Our semester is now officially over and we'll be moving into our revision week starting this Monday. I still have one assignment to submit though, luckily my first paper will only begin on 13th June 2008. That should give me enough time to prepare InsyaAllah..if my procrastination is not making an appearance that is...hehe
My sister is now here...thank God! Being a stayed-home mum for 1 week plus had really drained me out...not because I was tired taking care of the lil one, No...its just doing the same daily routine and not being able to go out was really driving me insane. Even Alai Rayyan was bored to the max, the first thing he did when he was finally able to handle his walker was walked to the door and peek through the glass window beside the door hehe my poor lil baby.
Alai Rayyan had an instance connection with my Sis and it took him no time to be in her arms. So my life is much much easier now and I was able to finish my 2 assignments on time. Got one of the result back and I actually did great! I got 27/30 woohooo...couldnt believe my luck! So for that course I've actually collected 43 out of 50%. (16/20 for mid-sem exam)...the rest of 50% would be from the final exam. I hope I could atleast get a distinction on that.
Thats on my achievement. Alai Rayyan has a few things for me to be proud of as well...here's some of his major developments so far:
1) He is learning to shake his head as a sign of saying NO....though sometimes he just shaked his head randomly.
2) He's not only growing one tooth, but there is now four! (2 visible one on the middle and 1 whitecap on each sides- all on the bottom gum)
3) He knows how to salam people
4) He knows how to express his dissatisfaction - by bitting your hand! hehe...he'd done it to my sister a few times when she was trying to stop him from messing around with her laptop (Oh Alai Rayyan really loves to play around with the laptop; once when i was webcaming with hubby to sleep and suddenly I heard a 'tinggg tinggg' sound, and I opened up my eyes to find out there Alai Rayyan was betiarap quietly infront of my lappie playing with the keyboard! Usually, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he would cry for my attention but not this time. He was taking his oppurtunity to play with the laptop while no one is watching! lol!)
Oh my lil angel is just growing up so fast...he's becoming more berakal each day. I know I should be happy, but a part of me couldnt help feeling a bit sad...
My sister is now here...thank God! Being a stayed-home mum for 1 week plus had really drained me out...not because I was tired taking care of the lil one, No...its just doing the same daily routine and not being able to go out was really driving me insane. Even Alai Rayyan was bored to the max, the first thing he did when he was finally able to handle his walker was walked to the door and peek through the glass window beside the door hehe my poor lil baby.
Alai Rayyan had an instance connection with my Sis and it took him no time to be in her arms. So my life is much much easier now and I was able to finish my 2 assignments on time. Got one of the result back and I actually did great! I got 27/30 woohooo...couldnt believe my luck! So for that course I've actually collected 43 out of 50%. (16/20 for mid-sem exam)...the rest of 50% would be from the final exam. I hope I could atleast get a distinction on that.
Thats on my achievement. Alai Rayyan has a few things for me to be proud of as well...here's some of his major developments so far:
1) He is learning to shake his head as a sign of saying NO....though sometimes he just shaked his head randomly.
2) He's not only growing one tooth, but there is now four! (2 visible one on the middle and 1 whitecap on each sides- all on the bottom gum)
3) He knows how to salam people
4) He knows how to express his dissatisfaction - by bitting your hand! hehe...he'd done it to my sister a few times when she was trying to stop him from messing around with her laptop (Oh Alai Rayyan really loves to play around with the laptop; once when i was webcaming with hubby to sleep and suddenly I heard a 'tinggg tinggg' sound, and I opened up my eyes to find out there Alai Rayyan was betiarap quietly infront of my lappie playing with the keyboard! Usually, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he would cry for my attention but not this time. He was taking his oppurtunity to play with the laptop while no one is watching! lol!)
Oh my lil angel is just growing up so fast...he's becoming more berakal each day. I know I should be happy, but a part of me couldnt help feeling a bit sad...
Anyho, some pictures to share with all of you and a video of Alai Rayyan saying no to medicine (oh he got a slight fever after his vaccination few days ago) and FOOD! hehe
No-no mama (my room was quite a mess as it was the middle of the night when Alai Rayyan started screaming and had a bit of temperature. My sister and me were a lil panik!)
After shower - its getting harder to dress him up now as he keeps on rolling away
Alai Rayyan peeking outside
1st day out after berkurung for 1 week plus